Where can I help?

As parents you play an essential part in your kids’ spiritual growth. As a youth ministry the partnership is with the pastor, the youth leaders, and the parents. All playing a crucial part in the students’ lives.


The why

As the pastor over the ministry, I see parents as a great resource and an essential partnership that a lot of times gets overseen. We want to put an emphasis on this essential partnership so it can show our kids two main points:


We all have a part to play

We see this attitude all over the bible and it is a theme within the life of Jesus. It wasn’t a stature, or a position Jesus was concerned about, it was humble obedience. So I want to encourage everyone in this church body that just because you cannot be there on a Friday doesn’t mean you cannot contribute to the youth group. It is a picture that our kids need to see, with everyone operating within their own giftings make God’s glory seen.


We are here for eachother

As a church family this picture couldn’t be more emphasized. As we serve each other in our church body, over time, we see this truth come to life. What better way to show our students that not only does the youth pastor care about me, but other parents within the church family.


The what

So here is a list of areas we can use your help in. We all are aware of what we excel in. So please take time to pray at what you can contribute to, God has given you gifts and put you in this place for a reason. Make sure to take time to hear what that can be for you. 


A call to everyone to keep the youth ministry in prayer for powerful things to happen! A main emphasis for the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts and minds of our kids and leaders.



For certain events mainly in the summer, we would like to meet outside the church. If you have a space that can accommodate for 40ish students we would love to hear from you!



At Youth we value building relationships and one main ingredient to that is food. So please reach out so we can taste the gift God has given you!



For some of our bigger events throughout the year (all nighter, retreat, summer camp) we require more chaperones to make sure everything goes smoothly.



If there is an event or something you want to be a part of and have the resources, we are always open to how God is calling you to give over and above what you already do.



If you have a story of what God is doing or has done in your life we would love to hear it!



Could be a building project or painting a mural. Usually vary depending on the needs of that year.