Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree...(Matthew 13:31). 

Scripture and life teach us that everything starts out small but then it grows.  At the Park Church, we believe that through Christ, everyone can experience new life and a growing relationship with God.   As committed followers of Jesus Christ, we take intentional steps to learn and obey the Word of God.  For this reason, we make every effort to present the Gospel in a way in which every person can understand, we encourage all believers to be water baptized, to join a serve team and/or small group and eventually start leading.  We are committed, to equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.  What step are you on? 

STEP 1: start seeking

Throughout the Bible, there is a common and repetative invitation to, "Seek the Lord".  No matter your background, everyone is welcome to "Seek the Lord" at the Park Church.  We are a Bible teaching, Christ centered community that, seeks the Lord together.  If you've attended one of our services, make sure to let us know you're here by texting WELCOME to 587.600.1905 and one of our pastors will reach out.  We are here to serve you and answer any questions you may have.  For more information about our Church, Click Here.

Note: While our STEPS are typically chronological, we welcome anyone to be a part of our community by attending Sunday services and/or joining one of our small groups. 

STEP 2: Believe on the Lord Jesus

In Acts 16, Paul and Silas are asked a very important question, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.. The first step for anyone wanting to know God is, to respond to the Gospel.  That is, the Good News about Jesus Christ.  For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son for whosever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. If you have chosen to place your faith/trust in Christ, we recommend the following.  First, tell one of our pastors.  You can do this in person or by texting LIFE to 587.600.1905.  One of our pastors will connect with you at their earliest convenience. Second, please consider completing the following devotional material.  It will help you understand your new life in Christ.  Click Here.


In Acts 2, on the Day of Pentecost, Peter stood up and explained the significance of Jesus' death. Then, Peter challenged the crowds to repent and believe the Gospel.  Scripture tells us, Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.  At the Park Church, we practice a "believers baptism" by immersion in water. The practice signifies death of our old self and new life found in Christ. Following Scripture, we encourage new believers to be baptized soon after placing their faith in Christ.  For more information, Click Here.


In Thessalonians 5, Paul admonished the Church.  He said, "...encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing".  At the Park Church we believe in meaningful and purposeful relationships.  We believe relationships are built better in circles than in rows.  Therefore, we encourage Community Life Groups.  It is within small groups that encouragement, support, discipleship and lasting friendships are made.  Our small group structure consists of Start, Grow and Share groups.  New groups start each January and September.  For more information about our groups including a list of available groups, Click Here.

STEP 5: ServE One Another

In Galatians 5, Paul tells the Church, "...serve one another humbly in love". As Christ followers, the Church is called to imitate Christ and this means serving.  When and where is up to you but we encourage everyone, after you become familiar with our community, to find an area you're passionate about and contribute by serving.  Because the Church is made up of servants with unique skills and gifts, put your talent to use.  Visit our Community Life Group Directory and sign up for an area of interest. Click Here


The author of Hebrews challenged his audience saying, "By now you should be teachers".  Although this may sound intimidating, we believe the Bible teaches the concept of multiplication.  Individual saints growing in knowledge and experience and then passing on what they've learned.  The last step is to become a leader.  This may look different for each person but it can look like leading a small group or serve team, or even by enrolling in Bible College and interning at the Church.  Our goal is that you step into what God is calling you too.  If you're ready to lead, set up an appointment with one of our pastors and let's discuss it, Click Here.